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In 2014, amper 10 jaar na de verwoestende tsunami, werd Sri Lanka opnieuw getroffen door noodweer. Een deel van het land werd de eerste jaarhelft getroffen door grote droogte zodat er amper oogsten waren. Later op het jaar verwoesten overstromingen nog meer oogsten en woongebieden.

Gevolg: tweemaal een noodkreet van onze verantwoordelijke ter plaatse, zie hieronder.


31st. July 2014.

MS. Lieve De Kegel, Chairperson,


Dear sis Lieve,

We are writing this Email to draw your kind attention to the most pathetic situation that our people in the District of POLONNARUWA, ANURDHAPURA, MULLAITHEV AND KILINOCHCHI are facing due to the very severe drought prevailing in that part of the country. They have lost practically all their cultivations and animals reared for economic purposes, their hoses and properties have been pawned to the Bankers and Money Lenders and now they have almost nothing to save them from starvation. On the top of these, they have no drinking water as all rivers and reservoirs have dried up. They have been forced to walk 5 to 10 Kilometers daily in search of water. Most of the people have been exposed to various deceases due to drinking polluted water and mostly affected victims have been their children.

Local Government authorities doing their level best, to supply drinking water to various villages by using boozers but the people do not have storage facilities in their houses, and they use their pots and pans for this purpose which has resulted in loosing much of the water brought for distribution. Through Radio and TV, they have made several appeals to the Government, NGOs and general public to provide them minimum one 5-to-10-liter container per house. Only few NGOs have responded to this call which hardly sufficient to meet the demand.

It is due to these circumstances, we thought of asking you if you would be kind enough to help us to supply these poor and destitute families with some containers to the value not exceeding SL/Rs. 170,000/- (Euro.1,000.00). Because of the urgency of this need, we are prepared to advance this amount from funds received for implementation of other projects provided you would be generous enough to give your consent to pay this amount before end of September 2014.

Thank you and due to the urgency of this matter, we look forward to having your response soon. May God bless you and protect you all, always.

Yours Sincerely,

Joseph Anthony Manchanayake.
President – Martin De Kegel Foundation (Sri Lanka Branch.)
WMCW Council Member for South Asia.